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The Running Report

Coughlin & Gerhart Race for Justice 5k Raises Over $10,000
Legal aid runners and walkers lined up on the Court Street Bridge this morning for the Coughlin & Gerhart Race for Justice 5k. The race

Halloween 13k Spooks Up West Endicott
So the course runs through Endicott. It starts at the Endicott Visitors Center. And it runs through parts of the village, down to the Tri-

I Run For... Half Marathon Photos & Results
The race had a spectacular weather turnout. It was 48 degrees at the start, overcast, and 54 by 2pm. Beautiful weather for road racing thou

Fields, Forest, & Falls Trail Race
September 1st, 2018 - (MONTROSE, PA) - Runners participated in the Fields, Forest, & Falls Trail Race at Salt Springs State Park located

Binghamton Porchfest 10k Results/Photos
August 26th, 2018 - (BINGHAMTON) - Runners lined up near Recreation Park in the City of Binghamton for the second annual Binghamton Porchfes

2018 Seniors Running and Walking Festival
Over 100 older adults, including many who are over 80 years old, will be celebrated as they cross the finish line on Saturday, September 8th

Sunset Runway 5k Results & Photos Defending Champion Salva Wins Again
August 12th, 2018 - (Town of Maine) - Runners took to the skies yesterday evening at the Sunset Runway 5k. Local runners ran a USA Track an

Kelly LaBare 5k Race - John Salva wins
Youtube Live Stream Kelly LaBare - A Celebration of Life - 2018 - Livestream w/ Commentary Commentary By Steve Esposito August 5th, 2018...

Kelly LaBare 5k at Spiedie Fest & Balloon Rally
Kelly LaBare was a gifted athlete who won many races in her time. Diane Sherrer of the Press & Sun Bulletin once wrote "So very gr

The Binghamton Area Trail Runners Volunteer at Cayuga Trails 50 miler
At the Aid Station, The BATs provided everything to the participants from Salt Potatoes, to Watermelon, to Honey, to Hotdogs. The BATs aid
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